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“Color Bellaire” Call for Artists
A New Banner Art Project in Downtown Bellaire


Description of the Banner Art Project

The Village of Bellaire’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is hosting the “Color Bellaire” banner program. These community designed banners will be placed on the light poles in downtown Bellaire. The new banners will reflect local thoughts on our downtown streets in hopes to raise awareness how special our waterways, hiking trails, businesses, people and land truly are to the community. ALL artists throughout the community - student artists of all ages, amateur artists, and professional artists are encouraged to submit their design.


Application Requirement - Call for Artists

1. Submissions will be accepted beginning October 15, 2024, closing at midnight January 31, 2025. Jury decision by February 7, 2025.  Banners will be fabricated and installed in the Spring of 2025. An artist may submit multiple pieces. Each piece will need to be submitted individually.

2.  Your submissions should be colorful, consider the beauty of the area, no matter the season, and be visible from a hanging distance so our community will appreciate the artistic design of your banner. Submitted art can be 2D, 3D, or 4D. The submitted image should not contain any writing or an artist signature. 

3.  Each image must be original work of the applicant and submitted in a high resolution image file or digitized image to

The selected images will be fabricated to a printable vinyl and will be a vertical banner - 22”h x 24”w.  There are 53 light poles that will display the new banners.

4.  Each submitting artist must provide a cover letter explaining how your art is a representation of “Color Bellaire” as well as a short description of your experience of Bellaire and your experience as an artist to support the piece.

This information must be included with each submission should you enter multiple pieces. Each submission must include the attached “Disclaimer”.

5. Each submitting artist will be required to sign the attached disclaimer.

Student submissions will need to be signed by a parent or guardian.

The disclaimer states that upon fabrication of the banner it becomes the property of the Village of Bellaire Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to display on the downtown light poles.  The DDA will obtain sponsorships for each piece as a fundraising opportunity to support future banner programs.


Jurying Process

The jury panel will consist of three individuals. The submissions will be reviewed anonymously. The decision of the jury panel is final.


Decision Date and Notification

Decision of the jury is final. Artists will be notified by email of their acceptance by February 7, 2025.  At that time next steps will be provided regarding the fabricating of the selected images.



Please contact the Village of Bellaire Downtown Development Authority at with any questions regarding the “Color Bellaire” banner program.

“Color Bellaire”



Upon fabrication of the banner it becomes the property of the Village of Bellaire Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to display on the downtown light poles.  The DDA will obtain sponsorships for each piece as a fundraising opportunity to support future banner programs.


Artists selected for the banner program will receive acknowledgement and recognition in all promotional materials. It is the desire of the DDA to receive media and press coverage and that all artists and sponsors will be contacted for their comments regarding their work/sponsorship and their involvement in this program.


Name: ____________________________________________




Email:____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________


Parent or Guardian Signature (student submissions under the age of 18)


Name: ____________________________________________




Email:____________________________________ Phone:_____________________________


Student Artist:_________________________________________________________________

“Color Bellaire”

Sponsor a Banner Program


“Color Bellaire” is a banner art program that will be placed on the light poles in downtown Bellaire.  This program is being presented by the Village of Bellaire Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and will showcase local artists and provide an opportunity to businesses and community members to sponsor one of the new art banners.


The program will begin with local artists submitting art to be juried for placement on the light poles. The size of each vertical banner is 22”h x 24”w. The selection will be completed by February 7, 2025 with an installation date of Spring 2025.


On each banner there will be an opportunity for local businesses and community members to be a sponsor.  Businesses within the DDA boundaries will receive priority in sponsoring a banner. The size of the sponsor banner with grommets will be 6”h x 24”w and will be attached to the art banner. The size of the sponsor banner allows up to 15 characters. Cost to sponsor a vinyl banner is $200.00. The sponsorship will end in the Spring 2026 with a renewable option.  It is the hope of the DDA to have a banner on each of the 53 light poles in downtown Bellaire. The DDA will determine sponsor placement. Sponsors will be notified by February 21, 2025 as to the exact location of their sponsored banner.  Deadline to sponsor a banner is February 7, 2025.  


Sponsorship questions should be directed to the DDA at or contact Shelly Dayton, The Flying Pig, 231.313.1517.



Please complete the information below and return with payment to the

Village of Bellaire DDA, PO Box 681, Bellaire, MI 49615


Person or Business Name:__________________________________________________


Address: ________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _________________ Email:________________________________


Name As It Should Appear on Sponsored Banner (maximum 15 characters):

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 15-48-08 1.png

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We are a group of volunteers dedicated to supporting local businesses in downtown Bellaire. Our mission is to promote economic growth and community development by encouraging residents and visitors to shop locally. Join our mailing list to stay updated on the latest news and events.

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